Wednesday, September 30, 2009

THE labor

I was induced on the day of my choosing, August 14. They started pitocin at 6:45...ok, not bad, we watched some TV and talked to the nurse. At 8:20, the Dr came to break my water... then I was about 2 cm. She said "See you this evening" I said "See you at noon". At around 9:15ish I asked for the epidural... they came in at 10:30. Glad I didn't wait until then to ask.... At 10:50, the anesthesiologist said you should feel no pain, and I didn't...until about quarter to noon, when I felt extreme pressure and the need to push.... I just thought I needed to up the epi.... so they checked me and I was complete and +1... Sydney was ready whether I was or not. So, they called my Dr and she said she would come in an hour or so because she was seeing patients at the clinic. Ok, fine, whatever I thought. Denice (the best nurse at Columbia Center) told me to do some practice pushing, and apparently I was so effective they called the Dr again and told her to get here... I started the real pushing at 12:25, Doc walked in at 12:50 and stood in front of me and said "Well I guess I better get my gloves and booties on". If I would have been able to speak...(at this point, I was really in pain because there was a head lodged in my vajayjay)...I would have said "YA THINK! YOUR GOING TO CATCH THIS BABY WITH YOUR BARE HANDS IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP". Baby Sydney was born at 1:05. Happy and healthy 7 lb 1 oz, 19 in. Cute as a button. My exact words to Frank were "Oh my God, that's our baby. Frank, that's our baby" repeated many times. I was in awe, and still am that I grew her in my belly and that we made such a beauty.
The first night home from the hospital was hilarious... Since my milk came in early Sunday morning while we were still in the hospital, I think Sydney's little system was taken by surprise... We were cleaning up poop and spit up and leaking milk not quite as fast as it was coming... And doing laundry at 3 AM Monday morning. Hilarious!

So...the baby is now just about 7 weeks old and I'm finally getting around to blog. It's amazing to me how much life has changed. I love being a Mom! It's also amazing how much time it takes us to get out of the house. I can only imagine how early I'll have to get up starting the 12th when I go back to work.

I'm forcing myself to live on the little sleep I get because I go back to work on the 12th. That sucks. I totally love being home with Sydney. I get to see her grow every day. At the same time, I'm looking forward to adult interaction, even if it is at work....
Oh yeah, and in between my last blog and now, I also had a birthday... the highlight was that I got pooped on, peed on, and puked on all before noon :) That was Sydney's little gift to Mommy.